He was a sweet boy but had likely lived most of his two years in shelters and rescues. He wasn’t socialized and had terribly bad separation anxiety. It took a lot of patience to have Clyde join our family. He was 80lbs of naughty dog with bear strength.
Once Clyde became comfortable, he started showing his typical boxer personality. I call them clown dogs. Clyde loved to make me laugh. He would continue to parade around with a toy if it made me giggle. He loved to be played with and loved to snuggle his people and his dog friends.
Clyde was gentle and sweet as our Jazz recovered from a cruciate repair. He was a champion bone chewer. And a fluff liberator (removing stuffing from any and every stuffed toy–his favorite).
Clyde LOVED eating. He would break into the kitchen or trash anytime he was given the chance. He once tore the face off a dishwasher trying to get to a bowl of apples on the kitchen counter. He was always finding ways to get into trouble.
Jazz passed away from cancer in February 2018. Clyde was an only dog until Sept. 1, 2018 when we met Dottie. They were instant pals; trading bones and snuggling together on the dog beds. They had just started their adventures together. They loved life, their people, frequent dog walks, cookies and especially carrots. We actually chose to meet Dottie because her foster wrote about how carrots were her favorite treat. They had a nightly routine of catching baby carrots. Clyde was horrible at catching; Dottie was exceptionally good.
Clyde and Dottie’s adventures came to an end last week when they got out of our yard because of a faulty gate latch and were hit by a car. Clyde died nearly instantly with Dottie by his side. She had a severely fractured rear leg which resulted in an amputation.
I will miss Clyde every day. He was one of the most unique, patchy, ornery and funny dogs I’ve ever had. We will be finding a new dog with some of the same endearing and less of the vandalous qualities to be Dottie’s newest pal. ❤️